# You have entered the dragon's lair
*Hopefully, you brought treasure.*
> [!quote]- What is "Tenebrous"?
> *A variant of the word Tenebrism. Tenebrism refers to a style of painting characterized by high contrast between light and shade -- emphasis placed on chiaroscuro to achieve dark, dramatic effects.* \- [The National Gallery](https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/glossary/tenebrism)
Welcome to 'Tenebrous Dragon,' the personal online spaces of Rebbecca Bishop, also known as Sigrunixia. Here, Rebbecca shares her personal writings, musings, tabletop RPG creations, and curated content she believes the world should see.
Below are links to specialized areas of the site, each dedicated to different facets of her creative output.
- 🐉 [Arbiters of Fate](https://arbiters.tenebrousdragon.com/start-here)
- The lore and resources for Sigrunixia's campaigns. Features Bunkers & Badasses homebrew.
- ❤️🔥 [Live, Learn, Love](https://quantified.tenebrousdragon.com/home)
- A space to quantify the self, and to learn in public.
## Current focuses
🛠️ [Obsidian Help Docs update](https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-help)
🪨 [Granite](https://github.com/Obsidian-TTRPG-Community/Granite) *Are you an animated Gif creator? I want to hire you!*
🎱 [Cypher SRD](https://github.com/Obsidian-TTRPG-Community/Cypher-SRD-Markdown)
📙 [Obsidian Book Club](https://discord.com/channels/686053708261228577/1009112156064718951)
📇 [[Advent of Code]]
## Latest essays
## Latest updates